Tori Pugh

Youth-Canine Program Assistant

Tori is a recent addition to the Paws and Think Team. Going to school for health and human services, she has a passion for serving her community. At the age of 14, Tori started training her 2 American bulldogs, Ricky and Lucy. This sparked a love for training and she continued her journey at a facility in Indianapolis. She loves teaching and connecting with individuals through the love of dogs. The Youth-Canine program and therapy skills training classes have been the perfect outlet for Tori to continue her passion of impacting the community and creating a positive enviornment for everyone to learn, from the humans to the dogs.

At this time, Tori has two puppies. An American bulldog named Leena and a rescue named Vinny. She loves teaching them different sport disciplines and cannot wait to compete in whatever the puppies are passionate about – right now they love nose-work!

Tori is excited to be a part of the Paws and Think team and mission. She has found a happy medium of combining her education within the Health and Human Services field along with her knowledge and love of animals!