Youth-Canine Graduates
Since September 2013 the partnership between Paws & Think, the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center, and Indianapolis Animal Care Services has saved hundreds of shelter dogs and positively impacted hundreds of incarcerated minors.
In 2017, Paws & Think added the Hamilton County Youth-Canine Program, partnering dogs from Humane Society of Hamilton County with youth from Hamilton Youth Assistance Program. Additionally, the P.A.W.s (Pups and Warriors) Program at Warren Central High School was added.
Dogs from our Pawsitive Corrections and Warren Central High School Youth-Canine programs are available for adoption through Indianapolis Animal Care Services. Dogs from the Hamilton County Youth-Canine program are available for adoption through the Humane Society of Hamilton County. Please check our Facebook page for more photos and information about each dog.
(Dogs below are from the Pawsitive Corrections Program unless otherwise noted.)