Virtual Paws to Read programs

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Your contribution to Paws & Think provides life-changing programs to people and dogs in need! Our donors ensure we can evaluate & register even more therapy teams and help at-risk youth learn life skills while finding shelter dogs their forever homes.

In-person library visits may be paused, but our virtual Paws to Read visits are going strong! Kathryn Dowel’s children participate in our virtual Paws to Read visits with Indianapolis Public Library, and she reached out to let us know that, despite not being able to physically interact with the dogs, the program still has a huge impact.

“I think it might sound silly to some, reading to a dog over a Zoom call. But it encourages my readers. My 4th grader independent worker works on their inflection and confidence. My 2nd grader works on their emergent reading skills and proficiency. And my kinder is watching, being excited for the potential of what reading can be. It is different now, but we are happy to have these pieces of joy in our lives. Thank you for helping bring this to our family.”

Click here to view our virtual Paws to Read schedule.